


Position, rotation and scale of an object.


Name Type Description
_parent UWTransform
_obj object Instance of an object if we want transform control it


UWTransform created transform


Name Description
DetachChildren Unparents all children.
GetChild return a transform child by index.
GetInfo Get info string specific for this component
GetRoot return the topmost transform in the hierarchy.
InverseTransformDirection Transforms a direction from world space to local space.
InverseTransformScale Transforms scale from world space to local space.
InverseTransformVector Transforms vector from world space to local space.
IsChildOf Is this transform a child of parent?
LookAt Rotates the transform so the forward vector points at target's current position.
Rotate Rotates the object around by the number of degrees defined by the given angle.
SetInstance Set the instance of the transform.
SetLocalPositionAndAngleAndScale Sets the local space position, angle and scale of the Transform component.
SetParent Set the parent of the transform.
SetPositionAndAngleAndScale Sets the world space position, angle and scale of the Transform component.
TransformDirection Transforms direction from local space to world space.
TransformScale Transforms scale from local space to world space.
TransformVector Transforms vector from local space to world space.
Translate Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation.

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